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Sarah Campagna

Recent posts by Sarah Campagna

3 min read

New Evidence Points to Marketing Value of SEO and Paid Search

By Sarah Campagna on Wed, Oct 29, 2014

“Just Google It”

We often conduct interviews with our customers’ customers as part of our marketing assessment. These interviews provide valuable insight into their buying habits, needs and expectations. One recent conversation went like this…

Topics: Inbound Marketing SEO
4 min read

Can I quote you on that? A B2B sales guide to customer testimonials

By Sarah Campagna on Mon, Sep 15, 2014

Product reviews have become crucial in the online marketplace, sometimes outweighing other marketing messaging. Both digital buyers and brick-and-mortar shoppers will go online to look at product reviews before making a purchase. In B2B, reviews are a little harder to come by; customers are fewer, and more effort is required to generate a testimonial, at least a good one.

Topics: Business Insights Marketing Strategy Client Relations
3 min read

Marketing & Sales Alignment: A Prerequisite for Effective Lead Generation

By Sarah Campagna on Thu, Jul 10, 2014

Why is no one following up on my sales leads?

Your lead generation activities can result in hundreds of leads. Whether these leads are generated through inbound marketing, banner ads, social media promotion, or tradeshows, they are useless unless someone follows up with them. Many companies experience this problem where leads are generated then subsequently ignored.

Topics: Business Insights Inbound Marketing Marketing Strategy Internal Communication Sales Marketing and Sales Alignment
3 min read

Sales Advice from a Fundraiser: Marketing Metrics, Customer Touch Points, and the Sales Pipeline

By Sarah Campagna on Tue, Apr 15, 2014

Fundraising is selling – but without a tangible product or service to offer to your customer. 

Topics: Business Insights Marketing Metrics